When choosing a domain name, you’re obviously trying to think of something that’s going to stick in someone’s head like an annoying pop song on the radio. And that’s the point. Words and phrases are the backbone of any good domain name, and the catchier they are, the more likely that people are going to remember them.
The keys to look for in a good brand-able or exact-match domain include the following:
- Relevance to your brand, product, service, or demographic. A domain should have an identifiable connection to some point of your value proposition.
- Short, sweet, bold and quick, and therefore memorable. The ideal length for a Cannabis Domain Name is 4-10 characters long.
- Brand-able domains are typically non-descriptive terms that commonly include shortened and or misspelled words or that relate to a general concept within the organizations value proposition. Think Cannabiz, Canna, etc.
- Exact Match Domains are domains that are explicitly and purposefully descriptive such as Cannabis.Name is a place to find premium Cannabis Domain Name’s and Cannabis Brand Name’s.
- For a company website, the domain name should be exactly that; the company name.